
Sunday, January 31, 2010

We Have A Winner!!!

We have hit 50 followers!

We decided to do this the old-fashioned way and draw out of a hat...or tupperware...


 We drew follower number 32!


Congratulations, Stevi! Choose your favorite pair of earrings from earring week!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Printable paper dolls - so much fun!

My 4 year old loves paper dolls, and sometimes she draws her own, but it doesn't quite work out how she wants them to.  When I saw these printables from How about orange, I knew I had to get them!
recortable 1
recortable 2
recortable 3
So go check out her instructions on how you can get your very own set of paper dolls, I know it will make a little girl in your life very happy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Valentine's Craft: Rosette Picture Frame

Here's a fun Valentine's craft to add to your decor!

Here's what you will need:

-Wooden frame $1 (Michael's)
-Acrylic paint $0.57 ( I used black and off-white)
-Ribbon 1/4" thick $0.47 (I used an off-white cream color)
-Wooden letters $1 (I found some at the dollar store!)
-Mod Podge $3.97 (or clear lacquer)

1. You're going to start by painting a couple of coats onto your wooden frame. Once that dries then put on some pod podge or clear lacquer. I did mod modge in opposite directions to achieve a canvas texture.

2. While your clear coat is drying, paint your wooden letters. I used an off-white paint to match my ribbon.
3. While all of the paint is drying, you can go ahead and start on your ribbon rosettes. I made about 34ish. So it will take a bit of time.
     Start by folding some ribbon into a 90 angle between your fingers. Then all you are going to do is fold each piece over the other until you reach about 18 folds.

    Then you're let all the folds pop out so you can see the whole accordion that you've just made. 
    Now you should be holding two loose ribbon strands at the end of the accordion. With your other hand pull just one of the pieces down until you get a little rosette that looks like this...
    You will want to hot glue the back of the rosette so that it doesn't come apart on you. 
4. Then you'll hot glue all of your rosettes onto the edge of the heart on your frame. 
5. Next, with Mod Podge or another appropriate adhesive, attach your dried wooden letters. 

6. Place a picture inside and....ENJOY!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Crocheted Flower Headband

I crocheted this headband with a flower on it in December. If anyone wants me to post the instructions on how to do it then go ahead and leave a comment. I found a video on youtube tutorials to make the flower and then I just crocheted a band. Here is my mom modeling it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Curly Whirly Scarf and Pattern

I just made this very fun scarf for Nicholette's birthday, but couldn't wait till her actual birthday to give it to her!  Actually, my 4 year old daughter told on me and ruined the surprise.  Oh well, this way I get to post about it now instead of later.  Check out Nicholette wearing her very fun and fuzzy curly whirly scarf!

Here is the pattern I used to get it to curl on its own like that:
I used:
6 skeins of Fun Fur Prints by Lion Brand ( these skeins are so small!) in Confetti
5.5mm crochet hook

Crochet a base chain for however long you want your scarf to be.
Row 1: Double crochet to the end (DC in every single chain)
Row 2 & 3: Treble crochet twice into each chain (increasing the rows)
Row 4: Treble crochet once into each chain
Row 5: Double crochet once into each chain
There you have it!

I think she liked it, don't you?
Happy Birthday Dude!  Love ya!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Valentine's Craft Tutorial: Vellum Covered Picture

This is a very simple craft that could make a great valentine's gift for anyone!

You will need:
-One photo (size of your choice)   $0.19
-One peice of vellum large enough to cover your photo  $0.59/8.5x11"
-Picture frame  $1.00
-Access to a printer

1. You will need to choose what phrase or quote you would like to put on your vellum and print it out. I used a 4x6 picture and printed it 1/4" from the left hand side of the vellum and 3.5" from the very bottom.

2. After you have printed your phrase, cut out the vellum with the picture lined up behind it.

4. Vellum is very unforgiving when it comes to bends and folds in the paper, everything shows. Carefully place your vellum and picture in your frame, and you're done!

It's Almost Here

We're getting close to 50 followers so if you haven't clicked "follow" be sure to do so to be entered into the drawing for a pair of earrings from earring week!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

iPod Nano Cozy: Tutorial

This cozy is so easy and quick if you know how to crochet! I just sat down and started creating and this is what I came up with! It's pretty much like making a scarf with double stitches,  but you fold it in half and then crochet it up on the sides. I did mine 15 stitches wide. Keep your iPod handy to check measurements.

To make the flower...

1. Make a slip knot and chain 5
2. Connect the ends to create a circle with a slip stitch.
3. To create the pedals, chain five and attach to the next stitch. Repeat until you have five pedals.
4. Tie off and snip off, voila!

If anyone would like a more in depth tutorial on the flower let me know and I can make a video.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Adorable Valentine's Wreath

So I have this thing about wreaths, they just call to me!  I saw this wreath by Glue Guns and Spatulas, and I loved it, because it uses a wire hanger!  Who doesn't have a bunch of wire hangers sitting around the house?

I am DEFINITELY making myself one of these, for sure!  Check out their tutorial here!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shabby Tie Onesie Tutorial

For some reason, it's so much harder to think of crafts to make for little boys. Here's a great one that's simple, quick, and SOO adorable!

You will need:

-fabric to make your tie    (Fabric Squares $1 @ Walmart)
-Onesie or t-shirt    $3.99/5 pack
-Sewing Machine

1. You can either draw your own pattern or use the one I made and stretch it to make it as big or little as you want.

2. Using your pattern, cut out the fabric.

3. Hand wash the cut outs in the sink with warm water, rubbing the material between your fingers to get the fringes started. Lay out to dry.

4. Appy applique glue to the back of the tie with your fingers or a brush.

5. Smooth the tie onto your tshirt or onesie.

6. Sew about an 1/8 of an inch away from the edges of the tie.

7. Place on cute little boy and show it off!

Monday, January 18, 2010

DIY Glitter Toes!!!

I just love it that I found this tutorial at Samster Mommy for DIY glitter toes!  Nicholette and I have already used this technique a couple of times, and let me tell ya, it lasts forever!!!  And they look soooo cute!  So what if it's winter, you still deserve gorgeous toes!  So check out her tutorial!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Photo Letters

I absolutely LOVE this photo craft idea! I could make an awesome personalized gift. There is so much room for your own creativity with different words and ways you choose to display letters! You can check out the full story on this cute craft at The Inadvertent Farmer.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ribbon Hair Flowers

We came up with this idea to make ribbon flowers to attach to hair clips or to place on a headband.

Here's our tutorial!

The first thing you will want to do is cut five strips of ribbon about 2.5 to 3 inches long each.

Then, you will fold each of those peices so the two ends meet, making individual pedals.

After that, you will glue each pedal together at the point where the ends meet to make the complete flower.

Your flower should look something like this.

Next you can add more color and depth to your flower by making a smaller flower and gluing it inside the larger one.

Place a button, bead, or any other type of embellishment in the middle.
Then if you want to use it for a hair accessory, glue a clip or headband to the back.

Here is an example of one of my baby headbands with the flowers...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Recycled Plastic Bag Coasters

I get such satisfaction making crafts from recycled materials ! Check out the tutorial from   Creative Jewish Mom so make these hand crafted coasters out of plastic bags. Beautiful, no? I love it, they are just gorgeous. And just inexpensive!