
Friday, January 29, 2010

Printable paper dolls - so much fun!

My 4 year old loves paper dolls, and sometimes she draws her own, but it doesn't quite work out how she wants them to.  When I saw these printables from How about orange, I knew I had to get them!
recortable 1
recortable 2
recortable 3
So go check out her instructions on how you can get your very own set of paper dolls, I know it will make a little girl in your life very happy!


  1. i printed out these little cuties on cardstock and stuck them on magnetic sheets and cut them out without the tags a couple months back (boy, that is a mouthful haha) Fridge magnet paperdolls! Very fun.

  2. What a great idea!!! I'm going to do exactly that with these! I was going to laminate them, but magnets are so much better! Thanks for sharing your idea!
