
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fabric Covered Shoes

It must unofficially be shoe week! But the best crafts are ones you can wear! I have another shoe refashion for ya! So you'll never guess what I covered these shoes in...

Inside out basketball shorts! I used the inside because the outside had sort of horizontal lines in the fabric. I figured that would look terrible if I didn't have the fabric layed out perfectly over the shoes. 

Here's what I used: 

-One pair of $1 flats from Walmart (it was a lucky day)
-Pair of black basketball shorts ( I didn't really like the length)
-Hot glue gun
-Super glue
-Ribbon from the $1 bin at Michael's
Needle and Thread

1. First I cut off the little bow that was on top to get the top surface as flush as possible. 

2. I cut the largest possible peices from the shorts (should be four separate pieces if you go around the seams). 
....and remember to be a good mom and keep an eye on your kids...

3. Lay the fabric over the shoe and cut a similar shape to your shoe leaving some room for error. 

4. Start glueing with super glue. I started at the top of the shoe because I wanted to make these little pleats on the top. I don't know if that's the best place to start or not, but that's what I did!

5. For the pleats, I just scrunched three little folds together and super-glued in between the folds. 

6. Once you have glued all the fabric around the outside edges of your shoes, you can cut a slit on the inside of the shoe. Hot glue the fabric on a small part of the inside of your shoes all the way around. 

7. I did a ribbon flower and sewed it over the tip of my pleats.


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  1. What a COOL makeover on some shoes...luv it! Hope you have a FUN week:)


  2. I would never have thought about doing this. That's so cute and wow at the shoes I could have kept and not thrown away.

  3. This is awesome! I love the outcome. And I love that little baby! Too cute!

  4. Too funny that instead of grabbing the scissors from the kid you grab the camera, so something I would do!

  5. Haha! Always grab the camera first...

  6. Wow, these turned out so great! I love that the shoes cost $1. Wal Mart can be amazing.

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy, with Life in the Pitts.

  7. Pretty! I love a good shoe makeover!

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day at My Backyard Eden!
