
Thursday, April 15, 2010

We have received the Sunshine Award! :)

Check this out!

We are honored to receive this Sunshine Award from C.R.A.F.T. !!  My goodness, I feel important now! :)  I've been getting acquainted with Jamie's blog, and let me tell you, I've been inspired! The fact that C.R.A.F.T. stands for Creating Really Awesome Free Things is enough to get me hooked!  You guys need to go check out her amazing blog!  THANKS JAMIE!!!

Now it will be my pleasure to pass this on to 6 AMAZING bloggers out there.  One of my favorite pastimes is surf the net and check out all the wonderful creativity that is out there in the blog world.  It's just so hard to chose just 6!  And after keeping our little blog going for the last few months, I've learned that it's really hard work!  All you bloggers out there deserve some recognition.  Today, here are my 6 amazing picks:

1. Creative Jewish Mom

Happy Birdday Cake 2
I just love her creativity, her uniqueness, and her faith.  When I make it over to her blog, I spend at least half an hour just soaking it all in.  Thanks for sharing your talents with us!!!

2. Along for the Ride

Laura's blog is an inspiration to me!  I love not only her crafts but the messages she shares.  Thanks for doing what you do Laura!

3. Glue Guns and Spatulas

If I could just hang out with these ladies and learn all their awesome mommy skills I soooo would!  You guys are amazing, and I love your insight into everyday life.  Thanks!

4. Ruffles and Stuff

Disney is such a sweet, creative, gorgeous person!  When we first started our blog, she was the first one to feature our work and give us some recognition, to which we are grateful.  Not only that, but this lady can do amazing things with the most basic things around her.  Can you believe she made this cute dress from an old t-shirt and a sheet?  Yeah... I wish ...

5. 733 - a creative blog

Kim finds inspiration for her crafts from her little ones, you can tell!  I bet her kids love all the awesome things she makes for them!  (I should make them for my kids... )  You are an amazing blogger, Kim!

6. Mrs. Priss

mrspriss_flower hair clip tutorial_options
Okay, I would totally love to hang out with Morgan, who pridefully calls herself a "big fat priss".  Not only are her crafts to die for, but she seems to be one of those people who you could laugh and laugh with until your belly hurts!

Alright, winners, here are the rules: 
1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award on to 6 other bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Link back to the person from whom you received this award.

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  1. Ahhhh! You ladies are such sweethearts! I LOVE all your amazing ideas as well. ;)

  2. Wow! I feel so honored! I've never received a blog award before. Thanks. I love yours too. I will pass it along after my baby takes her nap!

  3. I'm so honored!! Thank you so much. It made my day!
