
Monday, May 3, 2010

Saturday Spotlight Highlights!!!

Thanks so much for all those who participated on our second Saturday Spotlights!

We always love to see what you're up to, and I seriously get so excited as I look through everything.  You ladies are impressive! 

Here are some of our favorites:

This fabric garden that Cheryl made at Sew Can Do is just too much fun!  My girls would play with this for hours, it's educational, and let's face it... it's so CUTE!

No more lost socks at Tania's house from Super QT on the Hill.  This is so much fun!  And useful!  

This headboard turned coat rack from Alix at Shadywood Chic is just gorgeous!  Alix, what a talent!

Thank you all for sharing your beautiful work, and please join us again this coming Saturday.  If you've been featured here today, make sure to grab our featured button over on the left side! 

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  1. I made the wreath based off your tutorials!! I LOVE it and it turned out adorable! Check it out if you have time :) Thanks for all the tips.

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my fabric garden! I've grabbed your feature button (there's an extra h in the http part of the code-worked fine after I removed it though).

