
Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday Spotlight Highlights!

I love seeing what you ladies can do!  AMAZING WORK!  Here are some of our favorites from our Saturday Spotlights:

This is a plain glass vase!  Ann added all these awesome designs with a glue gun and mod podge!  You need to check it out!

antique mall & noodle monogram 063
Check out this cute scarf Laurie made out of old t-shirts.  So cute!

These look like your regular pot scrubbers you see in sinks all over the place, right?  WRONG!  Ellen actually made these herself out of netting!  Can you say clever?

Jax has done it again!  Isn't this sooo cute?  I love it, I want a bunch of them!  I'm sooo making these.

I wish I could keep going!  This last Saturday Spotlight was awesome, I hope you'll take some time to visit all the projects!

If you've been featured, don't forget to take a button. :)  Happy Monday!

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  1. Those are great projects! I just found your blog so I'm excited to look around. Woo hooo!

  2. Thank you, thank you for featuring my knotty tee scarf! So flattering!
