
Monday, June 28, 2010

EVO' 10 Rocked my world!!!

Hey friends!  Sorry for no linky party this weekend, but we were off having a party of our own, at

Before I even begin telling you about our AMAZING experience, we need to send a HUGE thank you to the person who from now on I'll be referring to as my FAIRY BLOG MOTHER,  Jyl Pattee from Mom It Forward.  She's my neighborhood friend, we go to book club together, church together, and she thought of inviting little ol' Craft Envy to attend the AWESOMEST (that's not a word, I know, but it should be) conference ever!  Did I say thank you yet?  Well, THANK YOU JYL,  a million times over! 

Check out Vanessa and Nicholette, just arrived at The Canyons Resort in Park City! We're here!!!

Opening night, delicious dinner and wonderful keynote speakers.  Check out these wonderful ladies! Nirasha Jaganath from Mommy Niri, Wendy Sachs from, Heather Spohr from TheSpohrsAreMultiplying, and Stephanie Quilao from BackInSkinnyJeans.  They are amazing speakers, we loved it.  

Okay, okay... These women... all in one room.  I was soooo star struck! These ladies were our craft experts for the craft blog workshop we went to, from left to right: Cindy Hopper from Skip To My Lou, Marie LeBaron from Make and Takes, Elizabeth Kartchner from Dear Lizzy,  and Lucrecer Braxton from Art Slam. We learned so much and can't wait to apply everything into this space of ours.

Check out the view from Park City!  

Party at the PBS Kids Suite!  So much fun!

Who wouldn't love some cupcakes from the Sweet Tooth Fairy?  I'm still thinking about the raspberry lemonade cupcake I had.  D.Licious! 

This was the cool table for lunch the last day!  All these ladies are fabulous!  A shout out to Char from Crap I've Made and Kari from UCreate. You ladies are a blast! and I've already discarded the contents of the controversial pink bag... :) 

I cannot tell you all how much this weekend meant to us.  We are thrilled to take all this new found knowledge and work our butts off to make Craft Envy the best it can be!  I hope you'll all take the journey with us!

Lots of love,

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  1. I love my new title of Fairy Blog Mother!

    You gals rock and I'm sooooo glad you contributed to the fabulous evo'10 Conference. I'm looking forward to seeing you back next year and hanging with you in the meantime :).


  2. Nicholette and Vanessa you were so much fun to hang out with!! So glad we got to meet in real life and ya I still laugh about those pink bags!
