
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Elmer's Challenge: Trick or Treat Container

Elmer's glue sent me this box of awesome crafting tools to use to craft something creative! Isn't beautiful to behold...

And this is what I made...
It's a trick or treat can for my lil' boy!

Here are the tools I used:
  • CraftBond™Adhesive Squares
  • CraftBond™ Glue Spots, Thin-small
  • CraftBond™ Gel Pens 
  • CraftBond™ extra strength Glue Sticks
  •  CraftBond™ Permanent double-sided tape
  • X-ACTO® Designer Series 8" Scissors
  • X-ACTO® Designer Series 6" Precision Tip Scissors
  • X-ACTO® Designer Series 12" Metal Ruler 
  • X-ACTO® Designer Craft Swivel Knife
  • white cardstock and purple cardstock
  • CraftBond™ Foam Mounting Tape
  • X-ACTO® Designer Series Decorative Edge Scissors - Zig Zag Pack 
  • X-ACTO® Designer Retractable #1 Craft Knife
  • X-ACTO® Self-Healing Craft Mat

1. First I printed a side profile picture of my little boy, traced it and added a top hat. It doesn't have to look perfect (as you can see)...

2. Then I used an Elmer's gluestick to stick that paper to the purple paper that I actually wanted to silhouette to be on.

3. Then, I took the X-acto swivel craft knife to cut out the silhoutte on top of my X-acto cutting mat.

 4. Using the x-acto precision cutting scissors, I cut an oval that I printed off the computer to put behind the silhouette.
5. To create a formal looking frame, I used a pair of the x-acto scrapbook scissors and cut around the white oval.
 6. Then I used an extra strength Elmer's gluestick to glue the three pieces together.

7. Using a Craftbond gel pen in the color gold, I traced around the silhouette boy to give it an antique touch.
 8. I spray painted a no. 10 can in glossy black to use as the container.
9. I cut strips of ribbon with my x-acto scissors and measured them with the ruler, to span the length of the can, plus some to attach to the top and button. I cut five of these.
 10. Using Craftbond double-sided permanent tape and Craftbond adhesive squares, I attached the ribbons to the can.

11. To cover up the ribbons folded over inside the can, I ran a couple of ribbons with the double-sided tape and adhesive squares around the opening.
12. I used Craftbond glue spots to attach my silhouette to the front of the trick or treat container. 

13. For an added measure of protection for the candy, I added this i.d. tag...
I used Craftbond gel pens to decorate it and foam mounting tape to give it depth. I stuck this on the bottom of the can.
14. For the handle, I curled a wire hanger and spray painted it black. For the handle I used a black rubber hose and cut it down with the retractable knife. 


  1. So jealous! I want that craft package on my doorstep! ;) And what a great idea for a Halloween "bag"!

  2. Like Kim I'm soooooo incredibly jealous! What a fun treat. I especially like the swivel craft knife. How cool is that!

  3. Very cute. and how awesome they did that!

  4. This is the sweetest trick or treat container ever! I hope you'll stop by and share it at the Pretty Packages Party!

  5. These are too cute. How great, a personalized trick or treat container. I love it. I hope you'll come link it up to my Halloween party this weekend.


  6. Very cute Trick or Treat bucket! Love your Blog!
    Come by and see me at

  7. Those are some cool tools. Love how it's personalized with his face! A nice keepsake of Halloweens gone by:)

  8. Love idea of your Halloween bucket! This is really a fun treat. I'm sure my little girl would love to have that for this season. :)

  9. Extremely detailed post. Very nice photos too.

    This is an excellent project. The profile picture makes it very unique. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Cute project. Very unique and fun.
