
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Best Healthy Popcorn Recipe!

         Anything that makes eating healthy easier should be shared with everyone! My hubby and I really try to eat healthy most of the time, so we always have our radar on the search for delicious, but healthy "treats". I actually came up with this recipe because I'm a popcorn addict by nature, so I feel like I'm cheating when I sit down to large bowl of this delicious recipe.

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What you will need:
-Orville Redenbacher Popper (this type of popper makes the popcorn crunchier than air poppers)
-a handful of popcorn kernels
-I Can't Believe It's Not Butter --Spray
-Butter Flavored Popcorn Salt ( I like the Jolly Time brand the best).

1. Pop the kernels in the microwave on the popcorn setting. (Mine is done 30 seconds before the popcorn setting finishes though, so listen for when the popcorn starts to slow down--about 1 second between pops).
2. Begin pouring popcorn into another, larger, bowl. As you pour, liberally spray your popcorn down with fake butter :)
3. Sprinkle with Butter seasoning and lightly toss. Add a teensy bit more to the top after you toss.

It takes a couple of batches to get it with just the right amount of seasoning that you like!
But that's ok, because this whole batch is only around 100 calories!


  1. Yum! I love popcorn.. especially the greasy oily buttery type from the movies. To save calories I have been eating it dry, but that doesn't really cut it. This is a great compromise, I will definitely have to try it!

  2. This is great, I love popcorn and will definitely have to try this out!

    Charlie @ Match Made On Hudson
