Elmer's glue sent me this box of awesome crafting tools to use to craft something creative! Isn't beautiful to behold...
And this is what I made...
It's a trick or treat can for my lil' boy!
Here are the tools I used:
- CraftBond™Adhesive Squares
- CraftBond™ Glue Spots, Thin-small
- CraftBond™ Gel Pens
- CraftBond™ extra strength Glue Sticks
- CraftBond™ Permanent double-sided tape
- X-ACTO® Designer Series 8" Scissors
- X-ACTO® Designer Series 6" Precision Tip Scissors
- X-ACTO® Designer Series 12" Metal Ruler
- X-ACTO® Designer Craft Swivel Knife
- white cardstock and purple cardstock
- CraftBond™ Foam Mounting Tape
- X-ACTO® Designer Series Decorative Edge Scissors - Zig Zag Pack
- X-ACTO® Designer Retractable #1 Craft Knife
- X-ACTO® Self-Healing Craft Mat
1. First I printed a side profile picture of my little boy, traced it and added a top hat. It doesn't have to look perfect (as you can see)...
2. Then I used an Elmer's gluestick to stick that paper to the purple paper that I actually wanted to silhouette to be on.
3. Then, I took the X-acto swivel craft knife to cut out the silhoutte on top of my X-acto cutting mat.
4. Using the x-acto precision cutting scissors, I cut an oval that I printed off the computer to put behind the silhouette.
5. To create a formal looking frame, I used a pair of the x-acto scrapbook scissors and cut around the white oval.
6. Then I used an extra strength Elmer's gluestick to glue the three pieces together.
7. Using a Craftbond gel pen in the color gold, I traced around the silhouette boy to give it an antique touch.
8. I spray painted a no. 10 can in glossy black to use as the container.
9. I cut strips of ribbon with my x-acto scissors and measured them with the ruler, to span the length of the can, plus some to attach to the top and button. I cut five of these.
10. Using Craftbond double-sided permanent tape and Craftbond adhesive squares, I attached the ribbons to the can.
11. To cover up the ribbons folded over inside the can, I ran a couple of ribbons with the double-sided tape and adhesive squares around the opening.
12. I used Craftbond glue spots to attach my silhouette to the front of the trick or treat container.
13. For an added measure of protection for the candy, I added this i.d. tag...
I used Craftbond gel pens to decorate it and foam mounting tape to give it depth. I stuck this on the bottom of the can.
14. For the handle, I curled a wire hanger and spray painted it black. For the handle I used a black rubber hose and cut it down with the retractable knife.