This one simple idea has brought my husband more joy on his birthday than anything else!
Making an ice cream cake is so simple, anyone can do it!
What you will need:
-one cake mix
-one box of ice cream
-one lg. tub of cool whip
-crushed candy to top
-two 9x9 round pans
-saran wrap
(My combo was: Butter Pecan cake, Fried Ice Cream flavored ice cream, and Butterfingers to top).
*DISCLAIMER: The hubby conveniently decided to come home early as I was making this cake for him (and for this tute). My ice cream is a little more "melty" than yours will be since I couldn't freeze it long enough.
1. Bake one (or two, depending on how many layers you want) 9 inch round cakes. Place them on the freezer until solid. Remove from pan and return cake to freezer.
2. Wash out pan(s). Line with saran wrap. Smash partially defrosted ice cream into the pan. Cover with saran wrap and place in freezer until solid.
3. This part will totally look like crap, but once you've frosted the whole thing in cool whip, it will be beautiful. Once ice cream is frozen solid (I know, mine is melting, like I said) , remove saran wrap and start layering your cake and ice cream. (I am a fan of the four layered ice cream cakes)!
4. Frost the whole thing (FAST) and sprinkle with crushed candy!