Here is the crazy fun frame I made for my girls' bathroom. Now all their hair bows are pretty and organized! And this project was made out of an old frame and some newspaper. Very cheap! I love it!
What you'll need:
1. An old frame that you have around the house collecting dust... this was sitting in my garage for over a year!
2. About 60 newspaper rolls. For instructions on those, follow this
3. Mod Podge
4. Ribbon of your choice (mine was on sale at Michael's for $1.00)
5. Water-based wood stain (I used Rosewood - $4.75 at Home Depot)
6. Staple gun
7. Brush and a sponge applicator
1. Start out by stapling the skinny end of your newspaper roll on to the back of your frame, then apply mod podge to the front of the frame and start wrapping your newspaper around it. Once a roll ends, put some glue at the end of a new roll and insert it in the previous roll, so they become one, and you can keep wrapping it around the frame.
2. Keep wrapping all the way around the frame, adding glue to the frame as you go. Staple the end of the newspaper to the back of the frame, trim off if you need.
3. Here is the frame completely wrapped in newspaper. Let it dry for about 10 minutes.
4. Once it's dry, paint the front of your frame with your wood stain. Let it dry for a couple of hours.
5. Once it's dry, apply a thick layer of mod podge to the entire frame to protect your paint and the newspaper as well. Let it dry for another hour. (I hated waiting for it to dry!)
6. Now decide how you would like to place your ribbon and staple it to the back of your frame. Trim off any edges that are too long.
7. There you have it! I made some flowers out of newspapers for embellishment, you can add whatever you like, or leave it plain, whatever works for you! I just love how this turned out, and I hope you'll give it a try.

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