This is a very simple project, anyone can do it! The whole thing was around three dollars with tax. This is what you will need, and how much I paid...
2 spools- 1/4 to 1/2 inch width ribbon .47 ea.
Hot glue gun, 1 stick of glue .10
2- 2x3 peices of glass ( size of your choice) 2.00
1- printout of the side of your baby's face (needs to fit inside the glass)
1- printout of baby's first and middle name
1- printout that says "Baby's First Christmas"
scrapbook paper for the background .50
Glue stick (just a tiny bit)

I went to the dollar store and chose 2x3 frames and just took out the glass. Be sure the clean off the class with some window cleaner before you preserve your fingerprints inside the ornament forever!

For the silhouette of the baby, I just printed mine out after I got it sized right. Then I flipped it over so the white side was face up, and put a little acrylic white paint over it so the dark ink on the other side didn't show through.
Then I printed and cut out my baby's name and stuck it to a brown background with a glue stick. Then you just glue the silhouette and the name to a background color of your choice...
I chose green.

The back of the ornament will say "Baby's First Christmas" which I just typed up and printed out. I put a little criss-cross background behind it and stuck it on to my green scrapbook paper with a glue stick.

Next, you take your two pieces of clean glass and place the paper in between them.

Then you're going to take the ribbon of your choice and begin hot gluing it around the edges of the glass to hold it all together.

So it will look something like this...

Then I took two colors of ribbon, about two feet long and folding them in half so they were a foot long. I glued the fold to the top of the ornament and tied a bow so that it can hung on my tree!
Simple, yet elegant!
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